I am a licensed clinical psychologist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner with a private practice in San Francisco. My dedication and belief in this work comes from the real transformations I have witnessed during my thirty years of guiding people in the process of healing and growth.
My approach is collaborative and relational. I want to know you, how you experience the world, what you want to explore or how you want to express yourself differently. I believe that in the presence of compassion, nonjudgmental acceptance and caring, healng and transformation can occur.
I draw on a broad range of teachings in psychology, neurobiology, spirituality and life experience. I have a doctorate degree in psychology, study in the healing practices of indiginous Andean people and many years as a business person. I am a student of the Diamond Approach.
I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), an approach for revealing and reversing the impact of trauma, based on the teachings of Peter Levine, PhD. I studied ten years with Allan Schore, Ph.D, a pioneer and leading researcher in neuropsychology.
"I have worked with and been a colleague of Dr. Wolff's for twenty years. I recommend him without reservation for psychotherapy or support when facing medical crisis." Edison de Mello, MD